
The path to a healthy pregnancy

Add caption **The 9-month journey from conception to birth is exciting and at times,overwhelming.With regular doctir visits,smart lifestyle choices and a bit of planning, parents will be on the right path to a healthy future for their family**START counting pregnancy weeks begining at your last menstrual cycle.                                                                                                                                             FIRST TRIMESTER(WEEK4-8)                                      At first,start scheduling monthl...

6 exercises for pregnant women and young mothers

Having a child is an important event in a woman's life. The body changes and prepares to give birth to a newborn. How do we react to these transformations? How to improve the chances that your pregnancy is going well? Perinatal fitness has its share of benefits. Whether you are in your first trimester, at the end of your pregnancy or after your childbirth, your fitness is not to be taken lightly. Some specific exercises will allow you to develop or maintain strength in the main muscle groups (abdominal, back, gluteal, etc.) and thus avoid ailments during your pregnancy and recover more easily after your delivery, your muscles being stronger. Exercises for the first quarter 1.Exercise called " the superman " helps to develop the deep abdominal muscles. 1. Stand on all four legs and extend the lower back to "clear" the lumbar lumen. 2. Pull the chin so that the back of your head is parallel to the ground. 3. Take an inspiration, then an exhal...

Pregnancy photoshoot idea's

During the time of pregnancy all women should have a photoshoot of their maternity period so that they can cherish their pregnancy moments & save their early pregnancy memories.some of my favourite pregnancy pictures are added in MY "PREGNANCY DIARY"                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ...

Possible Complication during Pregnancy

Complication during Pregnancy All pregnancies do not always progress very well and more or less serious complications can sometimes arise: clear egg, gestational diabetes, placenta Previa, persistent nausea and vomiting, fluid retention and swollen legs, hypertension, pre-eclampsia, pregnancy Extra-uterine, miscarriage, etc. In this section, you will find all the complications you may face during pregnancy, their causes and possible treatments, knowing that your gynecologist is always the reference professional and the one who knows your case best. We explain how to detect the symptoms and first symptoms of pregnancy complications in order to guide you and allow you to consult your doctor at the appropriate time. The possible complications of pregnancy symptoms are: Miscarriage (natural interruption of pregnancy before 20 weeks of pregnancy). It occurs in 15 to 20% of pregnant women. Gestational diabetes is a glucose intolerance that manifests during pregnancy...

Pregnancy test in a pic



1. Increase the number of meals during pregnancy No need to eat for two or twice as much! The most important thing is to eat better, in order to provide the body and baby with all the nutrients you need. In practice : One to two balanced snacks per day will satisfy the additional needs of the future mother and will prevent her from badly digesting. Snack ideas: 1 natural yogurt + 1 apple or 100 g of white cheese + a few cubes of fresh fruit ... 2. A varied diet The balance of food is the key. By eating a bit of everything (except foods banned during pregnancy), the pregnant woman is assured of refilling essential nutrients. In practice : The "5 fruits and vegetables per day" rule is used: an orange pressed at breakfast, a plate of green vegetables and a fruit at lunch, an apple to taste, a salad composed at dinner. Replace anything you do not like with nutritious foods. 3. Pregnant: what to eat to not take too many pounds? During pregnancy, the future...

Signs of pregnancy

Missed period :  This is the earliest and most reliable sign if you have a regular monthly cycle. Though it is possible to have a little light bleeding or spotting around the time you expected your period, even if you’re pregnant.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Feeling tired...