Complication during Pregnancy All pregnancies do not always progress very well and more or less serious complications can sometimes arise: clear egg, gestational diabetes, placenta Previa, persistent nausea and vomiting, fluid retention and swollen legs, hypertension, pre-eclampsia, pregnancy Extra-uterine, miscarriage, etc. In this section, you will find all the complications you may face during pregnancy, their causes and possible treatments, knowing that your gynecologist is always the reference professional and the one who knows your case best. We explain how to detect the symptoms and first symptoms of pregnancy complications in order to guide you and allow you to consult your doctor at the appropriate time. The possible complications of pregnancy symptoms are: Miscarriage (natural interruption of pregnancy before 20 weeks of pregnancy). It occurs in 15 to 20% of pregnant women. Gestational diabetes is a glucose intolerance that manifests during pregnancy...
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