The path to a healthy pregnancy

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**The 9-month journey from conception to birth is exciting and at times,overwhelming.With regular doctir visits,smart lifestyle choices and a bit of planning, parents will be on the right path to a healthy future for their family**START counting pregnancy weeks begining at your last menstrual cycle.                                                                                                                                            FIRST TRIMESTER(WEEK4-8)                                     At first,start scheduling monthly prenatal checkup.Secondly have your first prenatal checkup .Find an OB/GYN  & Start a healthy eating plan with prenatal vitamins.                                                                          SECOND TRIMESTER(WEEK9-13)                             Firstly,  Set OB/GYN appoinment to obtain fetal heart tones.Secondly,whether to do chorionic villus sampling(CVS)                                                   (WEEK14-18)  Start doing kegel exercise everyday.Schedule a multiple marker screening,if you are having one,between weeks 16-18 for greater accuracy.[AGE 35 CONSIDER AMNIOCENTESIS]                                                                                                        (WEEK19-23) Have your mid pregnancy ultrasound.Ask your doctor about cord blood banking.visit to see your options.[CONSIDER UMBILICALCORD BANKING FOR YOUR NEWBORN.CORD BLOOD CAN BE USED TO TREAT CERTAIN CANCERS AND DISORDERS]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                THIRD TRIMESTER (WEEK24-27) Have you glucose screen test for gestational diabetes? Consider getting a life insurance policy or guardian agreement. Switch to your monthly prental checkups.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                (WEEK28-32)Take a childbirth class and start looking for a labor coach,if using one. If you are saving your newborns cord blood,enroll with a private bank or contact a donor bank,and inform your doctor. [CONTACT YOUR DOCTOR IF YOU EXPERIENCE ANY SYMPTOMS OF PRETERM LABOR]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           (WEEK33-37)Take a tour of the maternity ward & find a pediatrician.Safeguard your home with smoke/co detectors and set water heater to 120'F.[ PACK YOUR HOSPITAL BAG&INCLUDE YOUR CORD BLOOD COLLECTION KIT]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     WEEK38-42) Take a non-stress test,if recommended by your doctor.Rwad up on newborn care & breastfeeding. [WATCH FOR CONTRACTIONS]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ** DELIVERY DAY** Call your doctor before driving safely to the hospital.Dont forget your hospital bag.[FINISH BY WELCOMING THE NEW MEMBER OF YOUR FAMILY INTO YOUR ARMS]


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